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Glirt Music Mobile Terms and Conditions of Use

Last updated: 17 June 2020

Hello, these are our Mobile Terms and Conditions of Use (“Mobile Terms”).

By using the Mobile Service, you accept and agree to be bound by these Mobile Terms, the Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”), and the Privacy Policy (together, the “Agreements”). Your continued use of the Mobile Service is conditioned upon your compliance with the Mobile Terms. Unless otherwise stated, any defined terms used in these Mobile Terms have the same meaning given to them in the Terms.

1. Accessing the Mobile Service

If you have not previously used the Premium Service (as defined in the Terms), the first time you accept these Mobile Terms and access the Mobile Service, you will be automatically given a forty-eight (48) hour Trial of the Mobile Service. You understand and agree that Glirt Music has no obligation to maintain, support, upgrade, or update the Mobile Service, or to provide all or any specific content through the Mobile Service.

2. Non-use of the Mobile Service

If you don’t use the Mobile Service for ninety (90) consecutive days, we have the right to revoke your access to the Mobile Service immediately. You may use the Mobile Service again after revocation, but you will have to register and agree to the Mobile Terms again.

3. Entire agreement

These Agreements constitute all the terms and conditions agreed upon between you and Glirt Music and supersede any prior agreements in relation to the subject matter of these Agreements, whether written or oral. Any additional or different terms or conditions in relation to the subject matter of the Agreements in any written or oral communication from you to Glirt Music are void. You represent that you have not accepted the Agreements in reliance on any oral or written representations made by Glirt Music that are not contained in the Agreements.

Please note, however, that other aspects of your use of the Glirt Music Service may be governed by additional agreements. That could include, for example, access to the Glirt Music Community for customer support, access to the Glirt Music Service as a result of a gift card, or free or discounted Trials. You will agree to separate terms and conditions in those circumstances, which are listed in full here. Those terms and conditions shall govern only with regard to the aspect of the Service to which they apply, and are distinct from and supplemental to these Agreements, and do not supersede these Agreements. To the extent that there is any conflict between those agreements and these Agreements, these Agreements shall control, except as otherwise provided in the Agreements.

Occasionally we may offer you the chance to participate in sweepstakes, contests, and surveys (“Special Promotions”) through the Glirt Music Service. Special Promotions may be governed by terms and conditions that are separate from the Agreements. If the provisions of a Special Promotion’s terms and conditions conflict with the Agreements, those separate terms and conditions shall prevail.

4. Choice of law

Unless otherwise required by a mandatory law of a member state of the African Union or any other jurisdiction, these Agreements are subject to the laws of Nigeria, without regard to choice or conflicts of law principles. Further, you and Glirt Music agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Nigeria to resolve any dispute, claim or controversy that arises in connection with these Agreements.

If you are a United States user, the mandatory arbitration provisions in the Terms and Conditions of Use also apply to you, so please read them carefully.

Copyright © 2019Glirt Media Hub. All rights reserved.

Glirt Music Mobile Terms and Conditions of Use: Text
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